TORNA TRI-SHAPE files case

Case Report

Clinical examination

A 52-year-old male presented with discomfort on his mandibular left molar region.
The patient didn’t have spontaneous pain. The first molar was tender to percussion
pain and the tooth was treated. The second molar had no symptoms. However, he
wanted to be treated this tooth. Periapcal radiograph revealed that mesial canals were
not treated and had a fragment. Distal canal was obdurated with gutta percha


Previously treated tooth, Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis


Root canal preparation
Crown and resin core were removed using a diamond bur. This tooth had a fracture line on the distal aspect. However, this patient wanted to save this tooth. The fracture line was cut and adhered with a super bond (Sun medical, Japan). Tooth was reinforced with flowable resin (Fig.2a~c). A fragment in the mesio-buccal root canal was removed using an ultrasonic file (Fig.3). Root canal length was measured with size Iso #8 K file. Meso-buccal root canal and mesio-lingual root canal were prepared using Torna TRI-SHAPE #15/.03, #20/.04 and #25/.06 files (Fig..4a~d). The gutta percha of distal canal was removed using an ultrasonic files and root canal was prepared until size #25/.06.

Root canal irrigation

The root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaClO after each file change. A 30G irrigation needle made by polypropylene was used for the root canal irrigation and the irrigant was activated using Rogin Sonic Activator #15/.02 Tip. After final irrigation, root canals were dried with paper points.

Root canal Obturation

Each root canals were tried with Rogin gutta percha size #25/.04. The gutta percha was inserted until working length and intraoral radiograph was taken for the cone testing. Then, the root canals were filled with gutta percha and Metaseal Soft Paste Sealer (Sun medical, Japan) for single cone technique (Fig.5a,b).


Torna TRI-SHAPE files sequence is #18/.04 orifice opener, #15/.03 for Glidepath, #20/.04 and #25/.06 for the preparation. Files taper increases step by step. That’s why cutting the resistance force is reduced, when changing the files. This file has less risk of being pulled in by the screw effect, because each file is used with 250-350rpm and This could be used safely, especially near the root apex.

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