Quality Control

【Quality Inspection Series】CyclicFatigue Resistance
【Quality Inspection Series】Resistance to bending
【Quality Inspection Series】 Fracture Resistance
【Quality Inspection Series】Sterilization Resistance
【Quality Inspection Series】 Hardness Testing
Quality Inspection series】Visual Inspection


New factory inaugurated!

New Beginning, Towards New Level, we look forward to your visit!

Rogin's crazy party comes to an end!

Thanks to our dedicated staff who make us who we are today!

Santa time!

The joy of giving and receiving is truly magical during this festive season.

Rogin Team Building Activity

The team building activity was a success and we all had a great time!

10 year anniversary promotion

We are 10 years old~ This has been a remarkable year for ROGIN

Rogin introduction

Our goal is to manufacture high-quality, perfect products.


We invest a great amount on new materials and technologies

Customer reviews

Our Happy Clients From 70+ Countries

Product Introduction

Recip-one blue files Resistant test

Continuous operation for 9 min 01sec


What’s inside elite-ino packgae

Rogin products show

Rogin products show

Dental endo motor

Dental endo motor of ROGIN were tested by Dr.Luis Coloma Calle from Ecuador

curing light inspection

Rogin curing light inspection and PK other similar products.

Exhibition Introduction


International Dental Show was successfully concluded


Rogin’s latest endodontic instruments and devices calling attention to IDSCologne

Hello IDS Cologne

We will provide you with just the right ENDO products and services

The live replay of the lecture is now available.

Special thanks to Dr. Wael Saied Sadek for his support and for sharing


This molar presented with an extra distal root

Look at how easily Super Flexi progresses down the canal without any previous glide path

Necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis

a beautiful young lady is at risk of losing a lower anterior tooth.😮

Rogin in Iraq

Honored to receive an amazing case from Dr. Othman H. Alani

Dr. Antonios Glynis from U.K.

Rogin Files in reciprocation motion negotiate easily double curvatures

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We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix “@rogindental.com”

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