R-SHAPER Case Cited by Style Italiano Endodontics!


We are delighted to announce that the esteemed dental expert Dr. @Othman H. Alani has been awarded Style Italiano Endodontics‘ “Best Case of the Week” for his exceptional work using our R-SHAPER in root canal treatments. This prestigious recognition underscores the superior performance and reliability of the R-SHAPER in clinical practice.

Why Choose R-SHAPER?

Simple, Safe, Efficient

  • Triangle Cross-Section: Ensures high efficiency in debris removal and exceptional cutting ability.
  • CM Niti Material: Provides outstanding resistance to cyclic fatigue, ensuring durability and reliability.
  • Flexibility and Cutting Ability: The perfect combination for high efficiency and accuracy during root canal treatments (RCT).

R-SHAPER Advantages:

  • Preserves Natural Teeth: Specially designed for the most curved and complex posterior teeth.
  • Ideal for Small and Narrow Root Canals: Ensuring precise and effective treatments.

Join the many professionals who trust R-SHAPER for its simplicity, safety, and efficiency in root canal treatments. Experience the difference today and discover why it’s the perfect choice for achieving outstanding clinical results.

A 55-year-old female presented with discomfort on her upper right second premolar. The patients didn’t have a spontaneous pain. The tooth tender to percussion pain. Electric pulp test was performed but this tooth didn’t react to the test. Periapcal radiograph revealed a deep decay at a distal aspect and big filling materials was observed near the pulp at a medial aspect.


Pulp Necrosis, Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis


Distal caries and mesial filling material were removed and temporary wall was built up with flowable resin. Access cavity was performed with diamond round bur. Two root canals were scouted with #8 and #10 hand files. Root canals length were established with #8 hand files. Buccal root canal length was 18.5mm and palatal root canal length was 18.0mm. periapical radiograph was taken for the root canal length determination. Root canals were prepared with R-Shaper files from #15/.02 until #25/.06. R-Shaper files were used with 300rpm/1.5N for full length technique. During the instrumentation, root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaClO. Root canals were medicated with Ca(OH)2.

Root canal obturation:

Root canals were dried with paper points size #25/.02. Rogin Gutta Percha points size #25/.05 were tried into each canals and fitting was checked with periapical radiograph. Root canals were filled with MetaSeal Soft Paste (Sunmedical, Japan) and Rogin Gutta Percha points as a single cone obturation technique.

Picture of Timson


Rogin, a leading dental instrument manufacturer in China with over 12 years of expertise, specializes in advanced root canal files. Our commitment to innovation and precision engineering ensures superior quality instruments that empower dental professionals worldwide to deliver exceptional patient care with confidence and efficiency.

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